A dental implant procedure requires precise 3D imaging of a patient’s oral cavity, a custom-made dental implant, time and expertise to fit it and specialised pre- and post-operative care.

This makes dental implant surgery a complex treatment, requiring a skilled and experienced dentist with deep knowledge of the processes involved. 


Who needs dental implants?

Dental implants are a good option for people who have lost one or more of their teeth due to trauma, dental disease or old age and don’t want to settle for poorly-fitting dentures.

They are an excellent replacement for natural teeth as they perfectly mimic the look, feel and function of real teeth. Explore more here

They may also be a better alternative to dental bridges, which involve the grinding of surrounding teeth, which may be healthy, to fit the bridge. 


What are the different types of dental implants?

When deciding which implant will be best for a patient, a dentist will consider several factors, such as the volume and density of the jaw and the patient’s dental and general health, before deciding which implants are the best option.

The most common type of dental implant placement are: 


factors tooth implant consideration st marysEndosteal implants

This involves the fitting of an implant into the jaw bone (it acts as an artificial tooth root) and a dental crown placed on top of the gum. An abutment acts as a connector for these two pieces.

This method of teeth implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth.

Dentists generally prefer it because

  • they have a lot of experience in performing this particular dental surgery.
  • it is long-lasting
  • it has a low risk of failure
  • it maintains the health of the jaw
  • it preserves the facial structure


Subperiosteal implants

Other tooth replacement options could be subperiosteal implants which involve placement of the implant under the gum tissue but above the jaw.

This method is successful for a single dental implant or can be done for multiple implants. Find out more

Dentists could choose this option for patients who

  • have a low bone density 
  • have a weak jaw that cannot support an implant
  • are otherwise good candidates for a tooth implant


Zygomatic implants

A less common method of replacing missing or damaged teeth is the zygomatic implant. In this method, implants are fixed into the cheekbones because a patient may not have enough bone matter in the upper jaw.

Despite the limited number of candidates for this dental procedure, it is chosen by dentists because it 

  • is safe
  • is a long-lasting solution to replace multiple teeth in the upper jaw
  • avoids the need for bone augmentation or bone grafting.


All-on-4 dental implants

Another option to replace missing teeth is the All-on-4 implants. These are an entire arch of teeth that are fitted into the mouth on four implants placed along the jaw.

All-on-4 dental implants are a good option for those who have lost an entire arch of teeth. 



Why do dental implants cost so much?

The final cost of dental implants can depend on various factors. 


Expensive raw materials

One of the main reasons for the high cost of dental implants is that they are made of expensive raw materials. The part fitted into the jaw is a zirconium or titanium screw, as is the abutment. The crown itself is made of ceramic or porcelain. 


The dentist or oral surgeon’s skill

Implant price can depend on the qualification and skill of the dental practitioner. They undertake targeted studies for years to qualify and then have to stay up-to-date with advancements in knowledge, technique and technology by taking courses and undergoing training regularly. 


Location of the dental clinic

Dental clinics in areas that have an affluent population or a high cost of living may have higher dental implant costs because their overheads could be higher. 


Pre-implant procedures

The final tooth implant cost is directly related to how many minor or major dental procedures are required before the implant is fitted. These could be one or more of the following:

  • tooth cleaning
  • bone graft
  • sinus lift
  • tooth extraction


Are dental implants painful?

A dental implant surgery to replace damaged or missing teeth is performed under sedation or local or general anaesthesia, or a combination of them. Once the procedure is over, the patient is prescribed medicines that help with pain management. 


Is dental implant cost covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies in Australia, including Medicare, don’t cover dental implants unless a strong case is made for the patient’s quality of life getting negatively impacted if they don’t get the implants.

affecting price dental implant st marys,

Medicare coverage for implant cost

While Medicare covers certain dental treatments, it does not cover the cost of dental implants in Australia. 


Private health insurance for dental implant treatment

Certain private insurance companies could cover this surgical procedure if a patient has bought their premium plan, which covers tooth replacement. 


Which payment plan can I use for dental implants?

At Pearl Dental Care want to make dental treatments affordable for all our patients. To this end, we work with OpenPay to offer plans that suit you and allow you to pay in convenient instalments. 


What is the cost of tooth implants?

The cost of a single dental implant usually starts at $2,000, while  All-on-4 implants cost will start at $17,000. Remember, the final cost will vary on a number of factors, including how many implants are required.


Why choose us for dental implants?

Pearl Dental Care is a one-chair dental practice. We ensure you experience personalised care for all oral health requirements, whether it is for minor treatment or a complex procedure to fit artificial teeth after the loss of a natural tooth.

Our high-quality dental team will meet you for an initial consultation that will include questions on your medical history, 3D imaging of your mouth and advice on the best dental implant options.

We will also talk to you about making this treatment affordable so you can get the perfect smile you deserve!

If you are looking for the best tooth implant services in Sydney, contact us on (02) 9158 6312 today!



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.






Benefits for Each Type of Dental Implant | Southern Minnesota Periodontics Dental Implants

Dental implants: Costs explained | How to check your health cover | Finder

MedicineNet – Disadvantages of Dental Implants

WebMD – Dentures and Dental Implants: What Are Your Options?