If you’re considering dental implants, but feel anxious about the procedure, rest assured – dental implant placement has been a common and successful form of tooth replacement for decades, owing to the significant advances made in implant dentistry. Your implant will likely give you years of oral health and cosmetic benefits.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the entire process involved in getting dental implants – from consultation to installation – demystifying every step along the way so you can feel completely confident about your decision to replace one or more teeth with durable, attractive tooth replacements that are as close as possible to natural teeth. 


What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a dental prosthetic used to replace roots in individuals with one or more missing teeth. Dental implants are placed within the jaw bone through a surgical procedure. An artificial tooth is then placed on the implant, replacing the missing tooth’s crown.

guide process teeth implants st marysTooth implants are a prevalent choice among individuals looking for a permanent solution for their missing tooth.

Dental implants can be seen in the form of a single implant where only one prosthetic tooth is placed in the mouth or full mouth rehabilitation. These implants prevent bone loss and keep the remaining natural teeth from going out of alignment.

Therefore while a single dental implant cost may be hefty, it gives you a run for your money.


Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant treatment requires surgery through which the implant is inserted into the jaw. The process of getting dental implants is lengthy and based on multiple steps. Here is how you can expect your dental implant treatment to go. 


Initial Consultation And Examination

The first step is to get a consultation with a dental specialist. They will need to take your medical history and a detailed account of your current oral and general health. These are the factors that will allow the dentist to determine whether an implant would be suitable for you or not.

The next step would be to comprehensively examine your oral cavity. This may include a visual examination along with impressions and X-rays. While the focus remains on the area where the implant has to be placed, other teeth are also examined to determine the exact oral health status.

Remember that any infection or oral cavity lesion must be resolved before getting an implant. Therefore, you might need to undergo a few other treatments before getting your implant.

Not everyone opting for dental implants require a CT scan before the implant process. However, there are a few cases where a CT scan may be required, such as for individuals with bone loss or other medical conditions compromising bone health. This allows dental specialists to get a better idea of the quality of the bone that they are working with. 



Bone Grafting

Several medical conditions can lead to poor bone health and height in the jaw region. Gum disease (periodontal disease), smoking and a prolonged edentulous state are some conditions that can lead to a decline in bone health.

Bone grafts become a necessary step in such individuals. It is an added surgical process where a bone graft is placed at the implant site to promote bone growth. A bone graft takes about three to four months to heal. However, the process may take longer for individuals who have compromised healing. 


Dental Implant Procedure

The traditional method of getting dental implants involved two separate surgeries. The time between these surgeries is usually around three to six months but can vary from individual to individual. Following are the steps involved in the dental implant procedure. 


Gaining Access

Since the implant has to be placed into the jawbone, the oral surgeon needs access to the implant site, which is gained by incising the gum tissue above the area. Local anesthesia is administered in order to numb the region beforehand. The gum flap is then lifted for easy and uninterrupted access for implantation. 


Implant And Healing Cap Placement

treatment expectation implanted tooth st marysNext, a small hole is drilled into the healthy jaw bone, where the implant is screwed in. Once the implant is positioned where it needs to be, the gum flap raised earlier is put back into place and stitched. The sutures hold the gum in place and allow it to heal over time. Your surgeon may prescribe you pain medications to help manage the pain and discomfort.

The healing process takes about three to six months, during which the dental implant fuses with the surrounding bone. Once this time is over, another cut is made over the implant site to place a healing cap over the implant. Unlike tooth implants wholly embedded in the bone, the healing cap protrudes into the oral cavity. As the name suggests, this component promotes healing the tissues around the implant to optimise the process. 


Abutment and Crown Placement

A few weeks after the cap placement, the implant is ready to be topped with an abutment and crown. The abutment is yet another part of the dental implant unit which allows the dental crowns or dental bridges to fit with it. Whether you get a single new tooth or a dental bridge depends upon how many teeth you are missing, to begin with. 



Dental Implants serve as an ideal solution for replacing teeth in healthy individuals. From supporting artificial teeth to supporting the surrounding bone, they provide excellent functionality and great aesthetics. Our experienced and compassionate professionals at Pearl Dental Care can provide dental implants that will restore missing teeth and your smile confidence. Book your appointment with us or call us on (02) 9158 6312 today!



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.






Everything to Know About a Dental Implant Procedure

What to know about dental implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implant Surgery